Described by users as a “break-through” technology, Koalaa is the world’s largest provider of soft, comfortable upper limb prostheses. Koalaa prostheses comprise of a patented fabric socket and passive terminal devices that connect to a lockable wrist unit. This combination allows clinicians (& patients) to fit a Koalaa in one 30-minute appointment without the need for casting; creating a whole new paradigm shift in clinical care. Users can choose which tool attachment they would like to use, depending on the task they would like to complete. Riding a bike, doing yoga, writing and drawing, and holding cutlery all being popular examples. Koalaa prostheses are currently available for children aged from 6 months old through to healthy ageing adults, who have a below elbow limb difference or partial hand. Alongside their prostheses, every user receives the support of Koalaa’s Limb Buddies, who are there every step of the way to offer guidance and advice. They also become part of the ‘Koalaa Community’, an online community of users and a place to share ideas and receive peer-to-peer support, wherever in the world they may be. Early rehab In April 2022, Koalaa launched the world’s first early rehab prosthetic arm, which can be used just hours after surgery. Users can eat, write, or move in as short as 48 hours post-surgery using the “Day 1” Sleeve, with patients reporting quicker recovery, better adaptation and a happier experience. The post-op prosthesis forms part of Koalaa’s portfolio of products aimed at addressing the high cost, high abandonment rate and poor comfort of traditional prosthesis, across the globe. All of these innovations combined create a unique functional offering at affordable prices. Available in the UK, USA, Spain, Ukraine, Mexico, & Argentina; Koalaa is actively seeking new opportunities with healthcare systems, distributors, clinic(ian)s and charities.
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London, England NW10 6HF
United Kingdom